Getting Sound Advice

Getting Sound Advice

  • Can A Police Officer Use Electronic Tracking Data From A Phone?

    Your cell phone used to only serve the purpose of allowing you to make phone calls. However, as time has progressed, newer features have been added and some may even be used by law enforcement to identify information about you so that a police officer can connect you to a criminal incident. However, you might wonder if the Constitution protects you from the police using this type of information and may need to consult with a lawyer.

  • What Can A Traffic Attorney Do For You?

    For many people, a traffic ticket is not just a traffic ticket. It's actually something that changes their life in a drastic way. If that sounds like your situation, you may need to make sure that you avoid lasting consequences that could drastically impact your life. So, how can a traffic ticket attorney help you? This is what you need to know about their work. Traffic Attorneys Negotiate You may be surprised at how much negotiation traffic attorneys do.

  • Reasons to Use Your Fifth Amendment Right When Facing Criminal Charges

    Are you facing a criminal charge right now? If so, you probably got arrested for it and are now figuring out how to proceed. One of the first things you should do is hire a criminal defense attorney for help. The lawyer you hire will give you advice and help you work through your charges. One thing the lawyer may suggest is using your Fifth Amendment right. Here is an explanation of what this is and the reasons you should use it.

  • What To Consider When Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer

    Breaking the law, no matter how small, can have a significant impact on your life. You'll have to spend time dealing with the legal consequences of your actions, and you could even be looking at fines and jail time, depending on the infraction you committed. If you find yourself in this position, hiring a criminal defense lawyer is essential. A lawyer will work to get you the best possible outcome for your situation.

  • 3 Great Tips To Remember When Looking For A Criminal Defense Lawyer

    If you ever get in trouble with the law and suffer a criminal charge, hiring an attorney is a good response. After all, your freedom and future could be on the line. As long as you consider these hiring tips when selecting a criminal defense lawyer, you'll receive great advice and possibly get a better legal outcome.  Assess Case Specialty The realm of criminal law is pretty big, which is why a lot of criminal defense lawyers will specialize in a particular type of charge.

  • 2024© Getting Sound Advice
    About Me
    Getting Sound Advice

    When I was younger, I had a hard time following the rules. I got in with a bad group of friends, and I found myself in juvenile detention more than a few times. When I was sixteen, a teacher sat me down and explained where my life was leading. That teacher was the first person that believed in me, and I decided not to let him down. That day, I decided to change my life, and I did. Because of his sound advice, I was able to finish high school, get into a great college, and become a criminal attorney. I understand the uphill battle that troubled youth face, and I want to use this website to teach other people what they need to do to turn things around.
